Tap Into Resources From America’s Leading Slip, Trip, and Fall Expert
As long as there is gravity, people will fall. However, most falls are preventable. Falls account for over 8 million hospital emergency room visits each year, of which more than 30,000 Americans will die. The total cost of these accidents exceeds $80 billion each year, and that number is expected to double within the next decade. How do you prevent slips, trips and falls? What to do if you are involved in a slip, trip or fall lawsuit?
Call the traction expert, Russell Kendzior!
Russell Kendzior is a leading expert witness, consultant and lecturer to a wide range of industries, companies and organizations impacted by slips, trips and falls. Internationally recognized slip, trip, and fall expert and author, Mr. Kendzior specializes in slip, trip and fall cases and has been retained in over 800 slip, trip, and fall lawsuits representing both plaintiffs and defendants.
Areas of Expertise Include
- Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention and Consultation
- Expert Witness for both Plaintiffs and Defendants
- Interior and Exterior Walkway Surfaces
- Floor Coverings
- Floor Matting and Rugs
- Floor Cleaners, Polishes, and Coatings
- Stairs, Steps, and Escalators
- Ladders and Scaffolding
- Sidewalks, Parking Lots, Ramps and Curbs
- Bathtubs, Showers, and Pool Decks
- OSHA “Walking and Working Surfaces”
- Footwear
Protect Your Business from Slips, Trips, and Falls
Being Prepared is Your Best Defense
Avoid the #1 Threat To Your Business
Slip-and-Fall Prevention Made Easy
A Comprehensive Guide to
Preventing Accidents
This concise, workbook-styled reference aims to increase awareness and understanding of slip-and-fall accidents of employees and guests and outlines solutions your business can use to to prevent future incidents from occurring.
Real-Life Stories from a Slip and Fall
Expert Witness
Most slip, trip, or fall lawsuits are legitimate and not all plaintiffs are scam artists. Falls affect each of us. The next victim could be your mother, your brother, your spouse or child… and oh yes, even you!
GET MY BOOK NOWFalls Aren’t Funny
America’s Multi-Billion Dollar
Slip-and-Fall Crisis
Russell J. Kendzior provides a comprehensive look at one of the most pervasive yet seldom addressed safety problems facing our country today. The book’s three parts explore slips-and-fall accidents themselves, what causes them, and what can be done to prevent them.
GET MY BOOK NOWTen Things You Can Do to Prevent Slips, Trips, and Falls
Falls Aren’t Funny! Slips, trips, and falls can cause serious and often debilitating injuries or even death. However, most are preventable. Learn the top ten things you can do to prevent them and protect yourself and your property in this FREE PDF.